How to fork a GitHub repo on mobile?

How to fork a GitHub repo on mobile?

Without desktop mode

if you wanna skip all the reading and see just the solution then click here

Sometimes before I go to bed, or just in leisure time, I spend some time on my mobile, mostly Twitter, Reddit or just reading something on the internet. And at times I find some useful GitHub repos. Most of the times I just wanna Star the repo. But there have been times when I wanted to Fork it as well.

So when you go to a repo on Github on Mobile this is how it shows


And when you click on the forks


You’d expect it to fork just like on a PC but guess what. It doesn’t, it shows you the list of all the people who’ve forked it.


I think there are many others who have faced this issue when trying to fork a repo from you Mobile.

Old Solution

There used to be a solution for this, it was by using the Desktop Site option. Most mobile browsers comes with a builtin option called Request desktop site or something similar. And it will show your website the way it shows on a desktop.

But this seems not to be working anymore on the GitHub sites. Probably GitHub improved the responsiveness of their site.

New solution

However, today, I wanted to fork a repo so badly but didn’t have access to my PC at the time. I could’ve just starred it and later forked but I wanted to know some way to do it. So just like what everyone might’ve done I googled for another solution. But all I found was this single article on hashnode itself using the old solution mentioned above.

Well, what I did was I opened up the repo I wanted and then installed a Safari extension called Web Inspector for inspecting the HTML code. And I skimmed through it to find the fork link. And I FOUND IT!!.

All you have to do is add /fork to your GitHub repo url. For example if the repo(you want to fork)’s url is then just add /fork at the end, that will be And it will ask for confirmation and your good to go, the repo will be forked.

Thank you for reading all the way through. If this helped you then please leave a comment below and share it with whoever you think this might be helpful.

I am considering to post a tweet as well. Hope this helped you
